Weekly Challenge #3 – Gifting

Gifting Burning ManThis week’s kindness challenge is a little quirky, you’re going to love it, and it’s also very simple.

Next time you’re in a bar or restaurant ask the waiter to gift on your behalf a dessert (if it’s a restaurant)  or a drink (if you’re in a bar) to a complete stranger and charge you for it. You can ask the waiter to pick out the recipient himself, telling him or her that it’s part of your random act of kindness challenge. The waiter can approach the person and inquire what drink or dessert they’d like to have, ensuring that it’s something that they’ll actually enjoy.

Instruct the waiter to explain this to the recipient too, that another customer had asked him to pick out someone at random and gift them with a dessert or drink as a random act of kindness and that you want nothing in return. Another way of explaining it would be to ask the waiter if he or she had ever heard of Burning Man. If they say yes, explain that it’s the same thing and you had decided to bring Burning Man to their establishment.

Bonus joke – when you receive your bill and it includes the gifted item point at it and say “what is this? I don’t remember ordering it!” then smile, blame the lame joke on me, and pay your bill.